
October 20th: denver zine library silent auction and calendar release!

the Denver Zine Library is hosting a silent auction on Monday Oct. 20th to raise money for general operating costs of the library. Donations of art, goods and services are still helpful! The 2009 Denver Zine Library calendar will also be released and features some great artists this year, including: Patrick Keck, Sarah Slater, a Stranger Bulge, Travis Egedy (Pictureplane), Brittany Gould, Jennifer Calloway, Swek, and more!

this year, the auction will be held at the Other Side Arts and denver zine library will be open to browse. dj sets by Sarah Slater, Kristy Foom, Mario Zoots, Anna Inazu, and Kevin Richards. beer, food and a lot of art.

if you'd like to donate please contact me at


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